Managing Service Levels with SLA Policies and Business Hours in Mojo Helpdesk

As a customer support software, Mojo Helpdesk is designed to help businesses provide efficient and effective support to their customers. One way to ensure timely and satisfactory support is through the use of Service Level Agreement (SLA) policies and business hours. In this article, we will explain what SLA policies and business hours are and how they can benefit Mojo Helpdesk customers.

What are SLA Policies?

Service Level Agreement (SLA) policies are agreements between a service provider and a customer that define the level of service that will be provided. In the context of customer support, SLA policies define the expected response and resolution times for support requests. In Mojo Helpdesk, SLA policies can be based on various factors, such as ticket type or queue. Also Each SLA policy can have its own set of priority targets,  for example, a business may want to prioritise urgent tickets over normal or low priority tickets:

  • Emergency: Tickets that require immediate attention, such as critical system issues or security breaches.
  • Urgent: Tickets that require prompt attention, such as major service disruptions or issues affecting multiple customers.
  • Normal: Tickets that require attention but do not have an immediate impact on customers or the business.
  • Low: Tickets that have a minor impact on customers or the business, such as minor bugs or feature requests.

You can set up a policy that states all urgent tickets must be responded to within an hour and resolved within 4 hours, while low priority tickets must be responded to within a day and resolved within 2 days. You can also define escalation rules, so that if a ticket is not resolved within the specified time frame, it will be escalated to a higher level of priority and assigned to a different agent.

How to Use SLA Policies in Mojo Helpdesk

First make sure that the SLA feature is enabled by going to Admin > Tickets > Settings

To create an SLA policy in Mojo Helpdesk, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Admin > Business rules > SLA policies
  2. Click on the New button
  3. Give your policy a name and select the target response and resolution times for each priority level
  4. Choose the filter criteria for your policy, such as ticket type or ticket queue
  5. Define any escalation rules, such as who to notify when a policy is breached
  6. Save your policy

Once you have created an SLA policy, it will be applied to all tickets that match the criteria you defined in the filter. You can create as many policies as you need to cover different ticket types or queues.

What are Business Hours?

Business hours are the hours during which your support team is available to respond to customer requests. By defining your business hours in Mojo Helpdesk, you can ensure that your SLA policies are only active during the times when your team is available to respond to tickets.

In Mojo Helpdesk, you can define business hours for each ticket queue. This allows you to have different business hours for different teams or departments. You can also set up business hours to be around the clock (24/7), if needed.

How to Define Business Hours in Mojo Helpdesk

To create a business hour in Mojo Helpdesk, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Admin > Business rules > Business hours
  2. Click on the New button
  3. Give your business hour a name and optionally a description
  4. Select the days of the week and the hours of the day that your team is available to respond to tickets
  5. Setup Holidays if needed
  6. Save your changes

To attach business hours to queues in Mojo Helpdesk, follow these steps:

  1. On the business hours list click choose queues
  2. Pick some queues and save your changes

Benefits of SLA Policies and Business Hours in Mojo Helpdesk

By using SLA policies and business hours in Mojo Helpdesk, you can provide better support to your customers and ensure that their requests are handled in a timely and efficient manner. Here are some of the benefits of using these features:

  • Improved customer satisfaction
    • By defining clear response and resolution times for different levels of urgency, you can meet your customers' expectations and improve their satisfaction with your support team.
  • Better agent performance 
    • SLA policies provide clear guidelines for agents on how to prioritize their work and respond to tickets.

Using SLA Policies

Once you've created your SLA policies, they will be applied to each ticket that is created in the designated queues. The SLA policy will determine the target time for the ticket, based on its priority level and other criteria, and the business hours of the queue.

For example, if you have an SLA policy for urgent tickets with a target response time of 2 hours and a target resolution time of 8 hours, any ticket that is marked as urgent will be assigned these targets. If the ticket is created during business hours, the time towards meeting the SLA targets will only be counted during the designated business hours for that queue.

If an agent is assigned to the ticket and fails to meet the SLA targets, the system will automatically flag the ticket as a breach. You can also set up notifications for agents and managers when a breach occurs.

Evaluating Performance

One of the benefits of using SLA policies is that it allows you to evaluate agent performance. Mojo Helpdesk provides dashboards and reports that allow managers to track how well agents are meeting SLA targets.

By analyzing this data, managers can identify areas where agents may need additional training or support, and can make adjustments to improve overall performance. This can help ensure that customers are receiving timely and efficient support, and can also help to identify any potential bottlenecks or issues in the support process.


In conclusion, SLA policies and business hours are essential tools for any customer support team. By setting clear targets and guidelines for ticket resolution, you can ensure that your customers are receiving the timely and efficient support they need.

Mojo Helpdesk provides a powerful and customizable platform for setting up and managing SLA policies and business hours. With features such as breach notifications and performance tracking, managers can ensure that their support team is meeting targets and delivering top-quality support to their customers.