How do I turn off the ticket rating feature?

When a ticket is closed, Mojo Helpdesk sends an email to users (ticket creators) asking for a customer satisfaction rating.

If this is not a feature you want to use, you can turn this off by following these steps below.

Using the classic UI:

  1. Go to Admin Settings and then Triggers.
  2. Turn OFF the trigger for "Rate reminder".
  3. Go back to Admin Settings and then Helpdesk Configuration.
  4. Scroll down to Miscellaneous Settings, and then turn OFF "Allow Rating".

Using the new Mojo experience (default one):

  1. Go to Admin Settings and then Business Rules > Mojo bots.
  2. Disable the bot for "Rate reminder".
  3. Go back to Admin Settings and then Tickets > Settings
  4. Scroll down to Miscellaneous Settings, and then turn OFF "Allow Rating".