What are the types of ticket statuses?

In Mojo Helpdesk, a ticket status can be set to: New, In progress, On hold, Information requested, Solution offered or Closed.  These ticket statuses will fall into one of two groups: New, In progress, On hold, and Information requested status are considered to be an Open ticket, and these are tickets that still need work. Solution offered or Closed status are considered to be a Resolved ticket, and do not require the agent's attention or responses any longer.

Open Tickets

Tickets in the following status are considered open and are visible in the Agent's "My Assignments" and "Open Tickets" view list.

  • New
    • The ticket has just been created.  This is the default status for all newly created tickets
  • In progress
    • There is ongoing work on the ticket.
  • Information requested
    • The agent needs more information in order to proceed working on the ticket.
  • On hold
    • The ticket is waiting for an event to happen. No work is being done.

Resolved Tickets 

Tickets in the following status are considered resolved

  • Solution offered
    • The agent has proposed an answer or solution to the ticket submitter's request. If the user or ticket creator adds an additional response to the ticket, the status will be changed to "in progress" (provided there is a Mojo bot configured to change the status).
  • Closed 
    • The ticket is closed and no more work on this ticket is required. The ticket is locked and neither the ticket requester or an Agent can add any additional message or response.

Why should agents use the "Solution offered" status instead of "closed"?

As best practice, it is recommended that agents always set a ticket status to Solution offered when providing a solution to the requester, so the requester has the ability to add an additional reply or comment.  The agent may believe they correctly answered the question, or provided a solution, but it is up to the ticket requester to agree their question was answered or the solution was acceptable.

Setting the ticket status to Closed will effectively end the conversation, like hanging up a phone call, and the ticket requester will be required to create a new ticket if their question wasn't answered correctly, or the solution offered doesn't solve their problem.

We recommend creating a Mojo bot that will change the status of a ticket from "Solution offered" to "Closed" if the ticket has been in "Solution offered" status for a period of time.  This will prevent an Agent from having to manually change the status if the ticket requester is satisfied with the result.

If the ticket requester is satisfied with the agent's response, they can manually close their ticket by accessing it in the HelpCenter.