Ticket Forms

How to embed a Mojo form into my website?

Go to the embed channel and pick the form you want to embed. Change the form attributes (size, color, etc…) as needed. Preview to see how it looks then copy the code and paste it in the page of your website just before the closing body tag.

Users can't see a ticket form?

Sometimes, when going to create a ticket, users will not be able to see a ticket form in the ticket forms drop down selection; or a ticket form will not be available to be embedded in a website. The reason for that (in most cases) is that the non-logged in users don't have access to the ticket qu...

Can I specify the Ticket Form to use for tickets that are created by email?

Yes, you can specify the ticket form to use for any tickets created by email.To set ONE form as the default form, you can do so in for Admin Settings -> Ticket Forms and then look for the Default Form box. The default form will be the one that will be used by all incoming tickets created by email...

Adding conditional logic to a ticket form

Conditional logic can be added to the fields in the ticket form. For example, if we have the question, “Are you married?”. If the user answers “yes”, we can show a set of questions. If the user answers “no”, then we show another set. This can be done while editing a form.

What are the types of ticket statuses?

In Mojo Helpdesk, a ticket status can be set to: New, In progress, On hold, Information requested, Solution offered or Closed.  These ticket statuses will fall into one of two groups: New, In progress, On hold, and Information requested status are considered to be an Open ticket, and these are ti...