Ticket Forms

How to embed a Mojo form into my website?

Go to the embed channel and pick the form you want to embed. Change the form attributes (size, color, etc…) as needed. Preview to see how it looks then copy the code and paste it in the page of your website just before the closing body tag.

Users cannot see a specific ticket form

Problem When creating a ticket, a user is unable to see/select a specific ticket form in the (ticket form) drop down selection The ticket form is not available to be embedded in a website Solution In most case, this occurs when non-logged in users do not have access to the ticket queue se...

Can I specify the Ticket Form to use for tickets that are created by email?

Yes, you can specify the ticket form to use for any tickets created by email.To set ONE form as the default form, you can do so in for Admin Settings -> Ticket Forms and then look for the Default Form box. The default form will be the one that will be used by all incoming tickets created by email...

Adding conditional logic to a ticket form

Conditional logic can be added to the fields in the ticket form. For example, if we have the question, “Are you married?”. If the user answers “yes”, we can show a set of questions. If the user answers “no”, then we show another set. This can be done while editing a form.

What are the types of ticket statuses?

In Mojo Helpdesk, a ticket status can be set to one of the following: New In progress On hold Information requested Solution offered Closed The above ticket statuses can be categorized into one of two groups: Open and Resolved. Open Tickets Tickets in the following status are consid...

Email Channel

Can I specify the Ticket Form to use for tickets that are created by email?

Yes, you can specify the ticket form to use for any tickets created by email.To set ONE form as the default form, you can do so in for Admin Settings -> Ticket Forms and then look for the Default Form box. The default form will be the one that will be used by all incoming tickets created by email...

What is the Pending Confirmation list?

There is a helpdesk setting which requires the end user to confirm a ticket they submitted (via their email). This acts as a spam catch.The main setting is managed in Admin Settings > Helpdesk Configuration. Scroll down until you see the "Tickets Pending Confirmation" section.When this is turned ...

What is the Pending Confirmation list and how can I use it to prevent Spam tickets from being created?

There is a Ticket Setting you can turn on that will require a ticket submitter/requester to confirm a ticket that they have submitted is valid (submitted either through the HelpCenter or by email) by responding to the confirmation email they receive after creating a new ticket.  This setting can ...

Email channel settings

Mojo Helpdesk supports email-to-ticket creation right out of the box. With this feature, an email can be sent to create a ticket. For example, when an email is sent to support@company.com, a ticket is created in the corresponding Support queue.The applicable settings can be found in Admin > Chann...

Use Gmail to send and receive emails in Mojo

If you have a Gmail mailbox (e.g. support@newco.com), Mojo Helpdesk can retrieve emails from this mailbox and create tickets. It will also use Gmail to send emails to ticket creators and agents.This is a step-by-step guide on how to configure Mojo and Gmail. Mojo leverages IMAP for receiving emai...

Bring your own mail server to Mojo

Organizations can choose whether to use the built-in Mojo mail server (default), or whether to use their own email server. This can be set in Admin > Channels > Email > Server configuration.Mojo mail service: The help desk will receive and send emails via the Mojo mail service. This is the defaul...

Managing Tickets

How do I customize the ticket list?

You can customize the columns and the amount of detail in the ticket view list. Watch this video to learn how.

Bulk ticket updates

Bulk actions on tickets are possible from the ticket list.Select the tickets you want to update, then choose an action.

What is the Pending Confirmation list?

There is a helpdesk setting which requires the end user to confirm a ticket they submitted (via their email). This acts as a spam catch.The main setting is managed in Admin Settings > Helpdesk Configuration. Scroll down until you see the "Tickets Pending Confirmation" section.When this is turned ...

Tips for Using the Mojo Search Engine

Here are a few tips to take advantage of Mojo's search engine. Mojo searches the title and description of the ticket including custom fields and ticket comments.  Search performs an exact lookup unless a wildcard symbol such as * or ? is used. Wild Card Searches Examples: serv*s will ma...

What is the Pending Confirmation list and how can I use it to prevent Spam tickets from being created?

There is a Ticket Setting you can turn on that will require a ticket submitter/requester to confirm a ticket that they have submitted is valid (submitted either through the HelpCenter or by email) by responding to the confirmation email they receive after creating a new ticket.  This setting can ...

What are the types of ticket statuses?

In Mojo Helpdesk, a ticket status can be set to one of the following: New In progress On hold Information requested Solution offered Closed The above ticket statuses can be categorized into one of two groups: Open and Resolved. Open Tickets Tickets in the following status are consid...

What is an event log? Can I see who made changes on a ticket?

The event log is a record of actions taken on a ticket either by the agent, the ticket creator, or a Mojo bot. Ticket event log Agents can also view the event log directly on a ticket. This is helpful for answering questions like: Who assigned me this ticket? Why did the ticket status change...

How to use emojis in Mojo Helpdesk

For users who would like to add emoji to their messages, below are the steps to bring up an Emoji keyboard while on your computer. For Windows 10 Click or tap in the field you want to enter. Press either Windows + . (Period) or Windows + ; Emoji picker will display on the screen.  Click the...

Import & Export

How do I import users?

If you are migrating from another help desk, then you may have existing tickets, users and assets you may want to move.The recommended order of importing is as follows. Click on each of the items for more information on how to best import. Users (below) Assets Tickets Knowledge Base Articles...

How do I update users through a CSV import?

With Mojo Helpdesk, you can update your users in bulk using a CSV file import. Prepare your CSV file for import. Note if the helpdesk has the most recent data, you can export your users as a starting point. You can import up to 3000 users at a time. File must be saved in CSV (comma sep...

How to import assets

If you are migrating from another help desk, then you may have existing tickets, users and assets you may want to move.The recommended order of importing is as follows. Click on each of the items for more information on how to best import. Users Assets (below) Tickets Knowledge Base Articles...

How do I import tickets and assets that are linked?

You are able to import linked assets and tickets while preserving their association. To do this, first you'll need to import the assets and then import the tickets.When importing tickets, you will need to map the columns from your CSV file with ticket's fields. One of the fields would be the asse...

How do I import tickets?

If you are migrating from another help desk, then you may have existing tickets, users and assets you may want to move.The recommended order of importing is as follows. Click on each of the items for more information on how to best import. Users Assets Tickets (below) Knowledge Base Articles Im...

How do I import knowledge base articles?

If you are migrating from another help desk, then you may have existing tickets, users, assets, and articles you may want to move.The recommended order of importing is as follows. Click on each of the items for more information on how to best import. Users Assets Tickets Knowledge Base Articles ...

Email FAQs

How do I prevent the system from sending some emails?

You are able to prevent Mojo from sending several emails/notifications to Contacts/Users and Staff/Agents. Here is a description of these automated email notifications and how to stop them from being sent.New Ticket Email Notification for Ticket Requester/Creator This email is generated by a M...

Email-to-ticket creation is not working

If you followed the steps to set up email-to-ticket creation but are still having issues, there's a chance your current settings are preventing the email from coming through as tickets. Here are a couple of things you can do to troubleshoot: Are you allowing unregistered users to create tickets? ...

Can I prevent a user from receiving any messages from the helpdesk?

The help desk sends out automated notifications to agents and users.You can find a list of the different types of messages sent by the helpdesk plus how you can turn them off in this KB article.There are some messages though, that cannot be turned off. In order to prevent a user from receiving an...

How can I prevent the Helpdesk from sending certain email notifications?

You are able to prevent Mojo from sending certain emails/notifications to Contacts/Users and Staff/Agents. Here is a description of these automated email notifications and how to stop them from being sent. New Ticket Email Notification for Ticket Requester/Creator This email is generated by a Moj...

Office 365 email forwarding is not working

Office 365 has recently made some changes to their system, in which they are no longer allowing users to forward to external emails. If you are on O365 and you are using a company email address (helpdesk@yourdomain.com) instead of the Mojo queue email address, then you'll need to take the followi...

Help Center

Brand the help center and customize the knowledge base

Securing the Knowledge Base

Toggling the Knowledge Base You can enable or disable the Knowledge Base by going to  Admin >  Help Center section > Settings In Settings, the knowledge base can be configured as follows: Display knowledge base in the Help Center for all users Display knowledge base in the Help Center for l...

Setting up a help desk domain name

If the help desk plan subscription includes this feature, a custom domain name can be set, e.g.: support.yourdomain.com or yourdomain.com. Using a subdomain of a domain name (CNAME record) Example: support.yourdomain.com Ask your DNS network administrator to add a CNAME record  support.yourdoma...

How do I import knowledge base articles?

If you are migrating from another help desk, then you may have existing tickets, users, assets, and articles you may want to move.The recommended order of importing is as follows. Click on each of the items for more information on how to best import. Users Assets Tickets Knowledge Base Articles ...

Can all agents create and edit articles in the knowledge base?

Agents with Manager level permissions (and above) can create, update or delete articles in the helpdesk. Refer to this article for the different user roles.

Tips for Using the Mojo Search Engine

Here are a few tips to take advantage of Mojo's search engine. Mojo searches the title and description of the ticket including custom fields and ticket comments.  Search performs an exact lookup unless a wildcard symbol such as * or ? is used. Wild Card Searches Examples: serv*s will ma...