Managing Tickets
How do I customize the ticket list?
You can customize the columns and the amount of detail in the ticket view list. Watch this video to learn how.
Bulk ticket updates
Bulk actions on tickets are possible from the ticket list.Select the tickets you want to update, then choose an action.
What is the Pending Confirmation list?
There is a helpdesk setting which requires the end user to confirm a ticket they submitted (via their email). This acts as a spam catch.The main setting is managed in Admin Settings > Helpdesk Configuration. Scroll down until you see the "Tickets Pending Confirmation" section.When this is turned ...
Tips for Using the Mojo Search Engine
Here are a few tips to take advantage of Mojo's search engine. Mojo searches the title and description of the ticket including custom fields and ticket comments. Search performs an exact lookup unless a wildcard symbol such as * or ? is used. Wild Card Searches Examples: serv*s will ma...
What is the Pending Confirmation list and how can I use it to prevent Spam tickets from being created?
There is a Ticket Setting you can turn on that will require a ticket submitter/requester to confirm a ticket that they have submitted is valid (submitted either through the HelpCenter or by email) by responding to the confirmation email they receive after creating a new ticket. This setting can ...
What are the types of ticket statuses?
In Mojo Helpdesk, a ticket status can be set to one of the following: New In progress On hold Information requested Solution offered Closed The above ticket statuses can be categorized into one of two groups: Open and Resolved. Open Tickets Tickets in the following status are consid...
What is an event log? Can I see who made changes on a ticket?
The event log is a record of actions taken on a ticket either by the agent, the ticket creator, or a Mojo bot. Ticket event log Agents can also view the event log directly on a ticket. This is helpful for answering questions like: Who assigned me this ticket? Why did the ticket status change...
How to use emojis in Mojo Helpdesk
For users who would like to add emoji to their messages, below are the steps to bring up an Emoji keyboard while on your computer. For Windows 10 Click or tap in the field you want to enter. Press either Windows + . (Period) or Windows + ; Emoji picker will display on the screen. Click the...